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Managing the Playbook

Needs review

This is the content strategy for dxw Playbook.

It describes the purpose and users of the Playbook, the kinds of material it contains, how we manage and update the Playbook, and its current intended structure.

Playbook purpose and users #

Agreed ways of working #

The primary purpose of the Playbook is to document our current, agreed ways of working.

This purpose also defines the primary audience and users of the Playbook - people currently working at dxw. The Playbook should help them work together efficiently and effectively. Secondary audiences and users of the Playbook are people working at actual or potential clients, and people who are thinking about coming to work at dxw. The Playbook should help them understand what it might be like to work with us.

We also know that people in other organisations look at the Playbook. Although we don’t create any content specifically for them, the Playbook should leave like-minded people with a good impression of us.

Staff policies #

The Playbook is also where we publish pay, benefits and other staff policy information.

This primary audience for this information is people currently working at dxw. A secondary audience is people who are thinking about coming to work at dxw.

Playbook content #

We divide the Playbook into Topic overviews, Guides and Policies.

Topic overview #

Each section of the Playbook should have some overview material that describes important values and principles, and lists relevant guides.

We write overview content so that it can be understood by anyone who is likely to look at the Playbook.

Guide #

A guide describes our current agreement on how we do something. Each guide should be aimed at a specific group of people and explain how to do a specific activity.

We write guides to meet the needs of their specific audience and users. While guides should be clear and simple, they can use subject specific language that we are confident is understood by the intended audience and users.

Policy #

A policy describes an official company policy and any associated procedures.

We write policies so that they can be easily found, understood and acted on by all the staff who need to follow them.

Playbook governance and workflow #

Ownership #

Each section of the Playbook has an identified owner, typically either the director of the relevant part of the business, or the head of the relevant profession.

The owner is responsible for making sure that their parts of the Playbook:

The owners of each section are:

Workflow #

For smaller corrections and updates to the Playbook, staff should consult with relevant colleagues and follow the guide to contributing to the Playbook.

For more significant additions and changes to the Playbook, the steps are:

Review #

The owner of each section of the Playbook should lead a review of the sections they own at least every quarter.

To help facilitate regular review, we should aim for Playbook content to include last updated and last reviewed dates.

Coordination #

We use the #dxw-playbook Slack channel to collaborate on the Playbook.

Playbook style #

The Playbook should follow the dxw Brand Toolkit and use the dxw tone of voice.

Playbook structure #

This is the current intended structure of the Playbook.

Who we are #

This section provides in introduction to dxw and the Playbook. It sets out our mission, values and principles. It covers aspects of our governance. It describes our brand and shows where to find brand materials. And it covers the Playbook itself.

The work we do #

This section covers the different kinds of work we do for our clients. From how we find and sell that work, and how we carry it out, to how we share and promote our expertise and experience.

Working here #

Managing your day to day work #

This section covers things like managing and recording time, getting and paying for things, using devices, data and tools, and working locations, travel and accommodation.

Your pay, pension and other benefits #

This section covers formal benefits like pay, pension and leave. It covers part time and flexible working. And also grievances and disciplinary procedures.

Supporting your development and wellbeing #

This section covers support structures, learning and development and wellbeing benefits.

Hiring new people #

This section covers how we hire people and programmes like returners.

Our professions #

This section contains principles, practices and specific guidance for each of our professions.

Last updated: 14 June 2024 (history)