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Project weeknotes

What are weeknotes? #

We use weeknotes to inform the people we’re working with about our progress, issues we’re dealing with, and what we’re planning to do. They can be a really useful way to update people you deal with directly, but they can also be shared more widely with people who are less directly involved in a day to day basis.

What makes a good weeknote? #

A good weeknote:

Template #

Weeknotes: project name Week ending: date

We send out weeknotes to update you on progress. Weeknotes highlight things we’re worried about, acknowledge achievements and show progress, and layout what we plan to do next. Along with our show and tells, this is the main way you will find out about the project so please read.

Get in touch with [insert delivery manager name] with any questions or feedback.

Good Things #

What are the main highlights this week? Have you hit any milestones, or overcome any significant blockers? What decisions have been made? Do you have any images to show progress? (e.g. a photo from a workshop, or a screenshot of something that’s been built?)

Learned things #

Have the team learned anything from a retro? Did anything happen that you didn’t expect? Have the team made any changes to how the team operates? Have the team uncovered anything new from user research? Does anyone from the team have any personal reflections that they’d like to share?

Difficulties #

What challenges or issues does the wider project team need to be aware of? How are you dealing with them? What help do you need - either from within the project team or elsewhere?

Achievements #

Are there any team achievements that need recognising? Are there any individuals you want to recognise? (they don’t need to be inside the core project team - they could be someone from a different department who helped you out this week).

What’s next #

What are you planning to deliver in the next sprint? When is the next show and tell? What key meetings are coming up?

Last updated: 9 May 2023 (history)