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Managing delivery

Managing delivery #

“The delivery manager sets the team up for successful delivery. They remove obstacles, or blockers to progress, constantly helping the team become more self organising. They enable the work a team does rather than impose how it’s done.” –Government Digital Service

At dxw, delivery leads ensure that sprints go smoothly and that the team remain productive. They are generally the client’s first and main point of contact, and are responsible for ensuring that we deliver good work.

Throughout a sprint, delivery leads ensure that an agreed process is followed, organising and facilitating discussions as required. They run sprint planning and retrospective sessions. They run daily standups with the dxw and client teams to keep everyone informed and to discuss and resolve any blockers.

Outside of these sessions and standups, they maintain regular communication with the client and the delivery team to respond quickly to challenges as they arise. If priorities change during a sprint, the delivery lead works with the client to understand and plan for the impact of the change.

Last updated: 20 March 2024 (history)